Blogging and School

Blogging and School

Before school started I was convinced that I would still have the same amount of time that I had over the summer to blog everyday. I was wrong. I started missing days, posting at different times, and getting frustrated at myself for not keeping up with it. I realized I had to make a change and figure out how to put blogging back into my daily life. 

Coming up with a topic for each post that my readers would want to read and would relate to is always my biggest struggle and takes the most time. I designated a day, Sunday, to sit down with my favorite weekly agenda and plan out my week in terms of blogging. The May Designs un-dated weekly agenda is perfect for this (plus they're always having amazing sales!)

Drafting and scheduling blog posts is generally common for many bloggers, but I like to have time during the day where I sit down and write. It's relaxing, and I feel like most bloggers created their blog to be able to have a place to write. So instead of writing all my posts for the week and scheduling them to post daily, I only schedule topics and some brief ideas for each day. I then make sure that I give myself at least 30 minutes to an hour a day to write. 

Balancing school and blogging can be easy it just takes some organizing of your calendar and a little extra time. If you're feeling stressed out like I was the best thing you can do is realize you don't have to live up to anyone expectations. Continue to be yourself, write about things you like, and make sure you're blogging for the reason that you wanted to in the first place. 

Happy Blogging/Studying 



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